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Honorary AAB 2021
  Air Assault Parity Coalition - "We Put The Air In Air Assault"

Honorary Air Assault Badge Recent Video


See link to the left, HONORARY AAB 2021 for videos, articles and photos.

Also awarded in 2022

Who: Vietnam Veterans of the 101st Airborne Division, 101st Air Cavalry, and 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile)

What: Honorary Air Assault Badge Ceremony for qualified applicants (See Application instructions for details)

Where: Ceremony will be held at the Sabalauski Air Assault School, 6883 Air Assault Street, Fort Campbell, KY 42223

When: 2pm CDT on Thursday, May 26, 2022, as part of the 2022 Week of the Eagles. (RSVP on the application for attendance to the ceremony please)

Why: The 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) would like to honor the contributions of its Vietnam Veterans for their role in developing the tactics and techniques that would become today’s Air Assault Doctrine.

Honorary Air Assault Awards were also given at the 2022 101st Airborne Division Annual Gathering in Grand Rapids, Michigan (see video link above)

PHOTO (left to right - Grand Rapids)
SGT Muzzy Mortimer
SPC Mark Helton
MEDIC Guy Lamunyon
LT Charles StAmour
All served together in B 1/501 RVN

For more information visit ScreamingEagle.org.


The Air Assault Parity Coalition was formed of members of the 101st Airborne Division Association, the 506th Airborne Infantry Regiment Assocation (Currahees), the 1st Cavalry Division Association, the 101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans Associations and other interested veterans and civilians.

The last Vietnam veteran left the ARMY in 2015. We apprecate the 'Honorary' award as an acknowledgement of the error made in 1974 when the 101st 'considered and rejected' the retroactive award to Vietnam combat vets when the lifers said we 'lost the war.'

Webpages by Glamunyon@aol.com

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